Jess here,
Today I will be blogging about a mince pie recipe that is used constantly around Christmas time in my house, the mincemeat I have made was taken from a Delia recipe which I will link below, and I made my mincemeat about a week before I made these mince pies, as it states in the recipe it will keep for ages so make it whenever! Also if you did not want to make the mincemeat you can always buy a jar in your local supermarket.
The Delia Mincemeat Recipe
- 1 lb (450 g) Bramley apples, cored and chopped small (no need to peel them)
- 8 oz (225 g) shredded suet
- 12 oz (350 g) raisins
- 8 oz (225 g) sultanas
- 8 oz (225 g) currants
- 8 oz (225 g) whole mixed candied peel, finely chopped
- 12 oz (350 g) soft dark brown sugar
- grated zest and juice 2 oranges
- grated zest and juice 2 lemons
- 2 oz (50 g) whole almonds, cut into slivers
- 4 level teaspoons mixed ground spice
- ½ level teaspoon ground cinnamon
- ¼ level teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
- 6 tablespoons brandy
- You will also need 6 x 1lb (350ml) preserving jars and 6 waxed discs
All you do is combine all the ingredients, except for the
brandy, in a large mixing bowl, stirring them and mixing them together very
thoroughly indeed.
Then cover the bowl with a clean cloth and leave the mixture in a cool place overnight or for 12 hours, so the flavours have a chance to mingle and develop.
After that pre-heat the oven to gas mark ¼, 225°F (110°C).
Cover the bowl loosely with foil and place it in the oven for 3 hours, then remove the bowl from the oven. Don't worry about the appearance of the mincemeat, which will look positively swimming in fat. This is how it should look.
As it cools, stir it from time to time; the fat will coagulate and, instead of it being in tiny shreds, it will encase all the other ingredients.
Cover the bowl loosely with foil and place it in the oven for 3 hours, then remove the bowl from the oven. Don't worry about the appearance of the mincemeat, which will look positively swimming in fat. This is how it should look.
As it cools, stir it from time to time; the fat will coagulate and, instead of it being in tiny shreds, it will encase all the other ingredients.
When the mincemeat is quite cold, stir well again, adding the brandy. Pack in jars that have been sterilised (see below).
When filled, cover with waxed discs and seal. The mincemeat will keep for ages in a cool, dark cupboard - I have kept it for up to 3 years.
Vegetarian can make this mincemeat happily, using vegetarian suet. And if you don't want the full quantity, make half.
NOTE: To sterilise jars, wash the jars and lids in warm soapy water, rinse well, then dry thoroughly with a clean tea cloth, place them on a baking tray and pop into a medium oven, gas mark 4, 350°F, 180°C, for 5 minutes.
When filled, cover with waxed discs and seal. The mincemeat will keep for ages in a cool, dark cupboard - I have kept it for up to 3 years.
Vegetarian can make this mincemeat happily, using vegetarian suet. And if you don't want the full quantity, make half.
NOTE: To sterilise jars, wash the jars and lids in warm soapy water, rinse well, then dry thoroughly with a clean tea cloth, place them on a baking tray and pop into a medium oven, gas mark 4, 350°F, 180°C, for 5 minutes.

-150g Butter
-1 egg white
and for the building of the mince pies: -1 egg yolk
-small bowl of water
1) Set the oven at 200°C/gas mark 6.
2) Cut the butter into small pieces and rub it into the flour with your fingertips until you have what looks like breadcrumbs.
3) Add the egg yolk, then mix briefly with just enough water to bring to a smooth dough. You will probably need just 1 or 2 tablespoons.
4) Bring the dough together into a ball, then knead it on a floured board for until it softens.
5)Then roll out the dough thinly.
6) Next using a cutter of your choice (preferably a circle shape) cut out 12 pieces and place them in a baking tray with 12 holes in it that has been greased with a small amount of butter. then cut out 12 more pieces (re-rolling the pastry if you need to) and set to one side.
7) Using a teaspoon fill each pastry case in the tray with some mincemeat.
8) To stick the tops on the mince pies what you need to do is, dip your finger in the small bowl of cold water, run it along the edge of the top piece of pastry(that you have previously cut out and placed to one side) and then place on top of the mincemeat filled cases. Repeat for each mince pie.
9) Then using a fork prick each mince pie three times.
10) Then to ensure you get a nice brown glaze use the yolk as an egg wash and brush this all over the tops of the mince pies.
11) Bake in the oven for 20 minutes and they should be done!
Thank you for reading, If you use this recipe or Hannah's gingerbread recipe be sure to send us pictures of them on our twitter @livesofHandJ
-J xox
-small bowl of water

1) Set the oven at 200°C/gas mark 6.
2) Cut the butter into small pieces and rub it into the flour with your fingertips until you have what looks like breadcrumbs.
3) Add the egg yolk, then mix briefly with just enough water to bring to a smooth dough. You will probably need just 1 or 2 tablespoons.
4) Bring the dough together into a ball, then knead it on a floured board for until it softens.
5)Then roll out the dough thinly.
6) Next using a cutter of your choice (preferably a circle shape) cut out 12 pieces and place them in a baking tray with 12 holes in it that has been greased with a small amount of butter. then cut out 12 more pieces (re-rolling the pastry if you need to) and set to one side.
7) Using a teaspoon fill each pastry case in the tray with some mincemeat.
8) To stick the tops on the mince pies what you need to do is, dip your finger in the small bowl of cold water, run it along the edge of the top piece of pastry(that you have previously cut out and placed to one side) and then place on top of the mincemeat filled cases. Repeat for each mince pie.
9) Then using a fork prick each mince pie three times.
10) Then to ensure you get a nice brown glaze use the yolk as an egg wash and brush this all over the tops of the mince pies.

Thank you for reading, If you use this recipe or Hannah's gingerbread recipe be sure to send us pictures of them on our twitter @livesofHandJ
-J xox
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