At the weekend me and my family traveled to Chicester to visit Father Christmas, I'll be honest I did not have high hopes as I thought it would be like every other Father Christmas visit however it was brilliant.
We arrived at Chichester canal and ventured into a Christmas decorated barge, we then proceeded down the canal and were served sausage rolls, mince pies and teas or coffee (and fruit shoots and biscuits for the kids.)
Once we reached the end of the canal there was Father Christmas waiting to board the barge with a sack full of presents. My niece and nephew loved it, they were so excited!
When Santa came on board we started to make our way back up the canal and Father Christmas called each child up individually and had a chat, picture and gave them there present.
After we had finished visiting Father Christmas we went out for my nephews birthday meal (he was 6 on Monday) at a cowboy restaurant, he loved it, especially the massive dessert that they do especially if it is someone's birthday.

So overall it was a lovely day and I would really recommend the Father Christmas trip for families with kids!
Thank you for reading!
-J xox
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