Jess here,
This year for christmas I have got the YouBeauty advent calendar, this is an advent calendar filled with skincare products, makeup and general beauty products and I thought I would share what I get in my calendar every five days. So here is the third five days of the YouBeauty advent calendar 2014:
Day 11) A vita liberata self tanning lotion and a mit, I'll be completely honest when I opened the calendar and saw this self tan lotion I was not as excited as I have been about other days, I have never fake tanned (mainly because I'm scared I'll go streaky/it won't suit me) so this product did not really draw me in, however I am willing to give it a try so I have done a patch test on my belly to see how well it works and I can safely say (even though my knowledge of self tanning products is not very good at all) that this product works well and definitely does what it says on the bottle! *sorry this review is a little pointless but I'm not a fake tan kinda person*

Day 12) A glam glow tingle exfoliate facial treatment, I am really looking forward to trying this product out, it is meant to tighten your skin and so I am waiting until the spots I have at the moment to clear up before I test this product out.

Day 13) A Sally Hansen nail rehab strengthener, I tried this out the day I got it and it really does what it says on the bottle! I like to grow my nails out long so a nail strengthener is essential to me and this one really does work.

Day 14) A John Frieda volume increasing blow dry lotion, I prefer to let my hair dry naturally, however when I have enough time to I do use a hair dryer and so this serum will be perfect for when that time comes around! This serum smells delicious and I cannot wait to use it.

Day 15) A Roger & Gallet Fleur de Figuier, this fragrance smells lovely it is very floral and sweet and just the scent I like, so I am very happy to have received this and I shall be wearing it until it runs out!!

Thanks for reading,
-J xox
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